NWS Watch, Warning, Advisory or Statement is in effect for Boone County, KY. View Alert

KD4PYR Database Status

Currently there are 3,054,561 records in the KD4PYR Weather Database.
Date range is from 8/1/1995 at 12:00:00 AM to 10/16/2024 at 12:50:00 AM.

The data captured at five minute intervals from the weather station are
loaded to a database once an hour. The graphs displayed below are
built from the weather database at the time this web page is displayed.

Weather Graph2
Weather Graph1

Database Record Format

Field Type Null Key Default Comment
Date date NO PRI 0000-00-00 Date of Observation (Local)
Time time NO PRI 00:00:00 Time of Observation (Local)
TZ char(3) YES -- EST or EDT in effect at Obervation Time.
Temp float(4,1) YES -- Temperature at Observation Time
Humid float(3,0) YES -- Humidity at Observation Time
Dewpt float(4,1) YES -- Dewpoint at Observation Time
Windsp float(4,1) YES -- Wind Speed at Observation Time
WindDir char(4) YES -- Wind Direction at Observation Time
WindRun float(4,2) YES -- Wind Run During Last Five Minutes
WindHi float(4,1) YES -- High Wind Speed During Last Five Minutes
WindChl float(4,1) YES -- Wind Chill at Observation Time
HeatIdx float(4,1) YES -- Heat Index at Observation Time
TwhIdx float(4,1) YES -- Apparent Temperature at Observation Time
Barom float(5,3) YES -- Barometer at Observation Time
Rain float(4,2) YES -- Rain Fall During Last Five Minutes
HeatDD float(5,3) YES -- Heating Degree Days During Last Five Minutes
CoolDD float(5,3) YES -- Cooling Degree Days During Last Five Minutes
SolRad float(4,0) YES -- Average solar radiation during 5 minute interval W/m2
ET float(5,3) YES -- Evapotranspiration during the period

v. 8.0.39